Life with the Armstrongs

Life with the Armstrongs

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Today's other new trick

She has loved this car thing for quite some time.  At first she would just walk behind it, holding on for dear life.  Next she wanted to sit on it all the time.  And I do mean all the time.  But she just couldn't figure out how to get anywhere on it.  We kept showing her over and over again how to move her feet, but she'd just grin and sit and wait for you to do it again.  

Well, today she finally got it!  Only she goes backwards.  So she goes backwards until she can't go any more (see 2nd pic) and then just rams it over and over again into whatever she's run into.  She really gets into it!  For a second, she thought about turning around backwards on the seat and going back the other way (1st pic) but decided against it.  She sure does love this toy!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

I love the new pics! They do change so fast after they hit a year will wonder where your baby went! (I still wonder where mine went!) Hope you don't mind, but I've been printing some of your pictures for Mimi...she loves seeing how big Hannah has gotten. I told her the other day that I would try to convince y'all it's about time for another visit! :)