Life with the Armstrongs

Life with the Armstrongs

Friday, November 7, 2008

Out of the mouths of babes...

We've started saying prayers at night with Hannah.  You never know what she's gonna come up with!  This is usually about how it goes:

Me: "Thank you God for Jesus"

Hannah: " and da doggie!"

Rob: "And Mommy"

Hannah: " 'n my paci!"

Me: "And Daddy"

Hannah: "and da rah-rah" (this means the rocking horse - we call it the rock-rock)

Han: "and my milk..... and da dogs.... and my shoe....  and my toe....  and my paci!"


Han: "nigh' nigh' "

Rob and me together, kinda grinning: "Amen!"

It's really special to see her picking up on the concept of praying and thanking God for the things in her life.  Each night she says something different, depending on what is fresh on her mind from the day.  The paci usually gets mentioned more than once though, so I'm thinking that is really meaning a lot to her lately!  :)