Life with the Armstrongs

Life with the Armstrongs

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday sweet girl!!

Well today was Hannah's first birthday.  Such a special day.  Even though we had her birthday party 2 weeks ago, we had a fun day today.  Robbie was able to take the day off after doing some things this morning, so we just had a low-key day playing with Hannah.  She loved her presents from us - a basketball goal toy and a little purse with stuff to go in it.  She got so excited about the little bracelet that came with the purse!  Every time we put it on her wrist, she would grin really big and hold it up in the air for everyone to see.  Too cute! And of course Robbie was proud of how quickly she caught on to putting the balls into the basketball net!

She is such a blessing to us.  We spent most of today talking about how humbling it is that God has chosen to give her to us.  We have such a responsibility in raising her, but it is such a JOY!! We are consistently amazed and overwhelmed at how God chooses to bless us.

"Behold, children are a gift of the Lord!" Psalm 127:3

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sitting here reading this and realizing that this is my daughter-in-law speaking from her heart. I am the one blessed. God has blessed our family with you and now Hannah. What a joy for us all!
Love you,
Gran (Rhonda)