Life with the Armstrongs

Life with the Armstrongs

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Today's new trick

A friend of mine (thanks Anne!) told me recently that before babies turn 1, they're learning something new every week.  But after they turn 1, it's something new everyday.  Well, Hannah conquered 2 new things today:

She got a little toy purse from the Haas family for her birthday, complete with a little pink cell phone.  This morning I was playing with her, talking on it, then putting it up to her ear so she could talk on it.  This afternoon I caught her jabbering away and looked to see what she was doing.  She had the phone up to her ear!  I tried to catch it again later with the camera...

1 comment:

michael and anne said...

2 tricks in one day! how advanced! :)