Life with the Armstrongs

Life with the Armstrongs

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Welcome to Toddlerville

Well, I guess it's official -- we are now in the next stage of life...toddlerville!!  :)

Hannah started walking Saturday!!  It's been a little crazy around our house this week, that's for sure! She had been taking some steps for a while now, but I came home Saturday morning from going to garage sales and she came walking out to me.  Rob said that he had worked with her the whole time I was gone, basically just making her let go of his hand, and it worked!  We knew she could walk on her own, she just didn't want to let go.  Now she wants to walk everywhere we go!  Unfortunately, our camera died and I just got it recharged, so I don't have any video to post of her walking really well, but I do have one from a few days before that.  I'll try to figure out how to post video...

It's been beautiful weather here, and we've been spending a lot of time outside.  As soon as Hannah sees her stroller, she's throwing a fit to get in it and go!  She starts saying "doe" over and over again.  We're convinced she's trying to say "go."

She can also give you a high five now!  That's fun!  And everything that happens is a good reason to say "uh oh" in Hannah's world.  It's so fun to see how quickly she is learning and changing.

Our azaleas bloomed beautifully this year, so we tried to get a few pics of Hannah next to them.  None of them turned out really cute because she was too busy pulling the flowers off and tearing them into little bitty bits!  Oh well.

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