Life with the Armstrongs

Life with the Armstrongs

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Ocoee River

Over Labor Day weekend, we took our students whitewater rafting on the Ocoee River.  Well, we didn't actually take them, because Rob couldn't raft because of his finger, and we had Hannah with us.  So, we just rode along the river and played and took pictures of the students.  It was kinda hard to not be able to raft (because we both LOVE it) but we had fun anyway!!

Here's Hannah sitting down like all the big kids, listening to the raft guide explain how to paddle, pull someone in, etc.

We told her to smile and this is what we got.  A little cheesy, but cute still!!

Now she's doing the motions to "If you're happy and you know it."  This is her face surely showing it!!

Down on the river with Mommy.  She really really wanted to get in that water!

Climbing and playing with Daddy.  She sat down in the water right after this.

Okay, now we're all in, with no clothes!!

Wandering out in the river to say hey to people.  That water was SO cold, but she didn't even notice!

Hey, guys, this diaper is getting kinda heavy...

All dry and clean afterwards, ready to go back home!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

can't believe that you two didn't invite me or wade to chaperon the students since you two couldn't paddle?? sheesh! what friends y'all are!!
