We were reading through one of her books called "The Story of Jesus" (it walks through many stories of Jesus, including His birth, miracles He did, His death, and resurrection.) Hannah, for some reason, loves the story of when Jesus and His disciples were on a boat during a storm, and they were all scared except Jesus (who was sleeping). We talk to Hannah about how when she is scared she can talk to Jesus and He isn't ever scared and He's in control and can help us. She loves it and always wants to go back to it over and over again.
(To give a little background, months ago we took Hannah to see the eagles and falcons at a park here in Jackson. Remember those pictures? Well, she talks about it all the time... "I saw a brown eagle! I saw a brown eagle!" And on and on she goes every day.)
So, tonight as we read that story, we told her again, "you can talk to Jesus when you are scared about things."
She responded " I scared of the brown eagle!"
We said, "Well, tell Jesus about it!"
She sat there for a while, then said, "I tell horsey I scared!" and promptly ran across the room, leaned down in front of her rocking horse, stared him right in the face and told him "I scared of the brown eagle."
We then (after we regained our composure) talked to her about how she can tell Jesus when she's scared (again).
So she leans over the book, looks at the picture of Jesus in the boat, and leans in real close and says, "I scared of the brown eagle."
She proceeded to tell the horsey about 4 more times too.
We just thought it was so precious. We are loving the chances that we have to teach her about Jesus, even though most of it is hard for her to grasp still.